Prospective authors in academia, government, industry and others working in the field of EUROTOXICOLOGY2023 are invited to submit abstracts in the following scientific topics (but are not limited to):
- Clinical toxicology
- Geriatric toxicology
- Pediatric toxicology
- Drug and chemical toxicology
- Comprehensive toxicology
- Organ toxicity
- Neurotoxicology and teratology
- Systemic toxicology
- Predictive toxicology
Toxicology and Risk Assessment
- Safety evaluation, risk and hazard assessment
- Chemical research in toxicology
- Regulatory toxicology
- Computational toxicology
- Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics
Analytical Toxicology
- Animal testing methods
- Alternative testing methods
- Drug discovery, development and evaluation
- In-vitro toxicity testing
- Pre-clinical toxicity testing
- Genotoxic drugs
- Genotoxicity testing
- In-vitro and in-vivo testing
- Pharmacogenetics & pharmacogenomics
- Gentotoxicity and mutagenicity
Forensic Toxicology
- Forensic samples for toxicology testing
- Forensic toxicology applications
- Challenges in forensic toxicology
- Forensic toxicology today
- Post-mortem Forensic Toxicology
Food Safety and Environmental Toxicology
- Food safety and food allergies
- Risk assessment of chemicals in food
- Environmental and occupational health
- Particle and fibre toxicology
- Industrial and metallic toxicology
- Plant toxicology
- Aquatic Toxicology
- Food Toxicology
- Veterinary Toxicology
Toxicology Applications
- Nanotoxicology
- Innovations in applied toxicology and toxicological sciences
- Emerging in-vitro models for the toxicity studies
- Developmental and reproductive toxicology
- Application of toxicology in drug development
Experimental and Toxicologic Pathology
- Toxicologic pathology
- In-vitro and In-vivo mechanisms
- Xenobiotic Risk Characterization
Medical and Clinical Toxicology
- Drugs of abuse
- Unintentional and intentional overdoses
- Evaluation of chemically induced diseases
- Pre-Clinical toxicology studies
Industrial & Occupational Toxicology Toxicology Testing
- In-vitro toxicity testing
- Toxicity testing in preclinical development
- Toxicity evaluation
- Toxicological screening methods
- Experimental toxicology
- Human toxicology
- Clinical pharmacology
- Biochemical pharmacology
- Neuropharmacology
- Psychopharmacology
- Respiratory pharmacology
- Pediatric pharmacology
- Geriatric pharmacology
Applied Pharmacology
- Molecular and cellular pharmacology
- Nanomedicine in pharmacology
- Pharmacological testing
- Behavioral pharmacology
- Clinical application of systems pharmacology models
Pharmacological Testing
- In-vitro and In-vivo models
- Randomized controlled clinical trials
- Pharmacokinetics
- Pharmacologic stress testing
- Drug reaction testing
Cardiovascular Pharmacology
- Heart diseases and failure
- Cardiovascular pharmacotherapies, cardiac procedures and surgeries
- Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases
- Interventional cardiology
- Nuclear cardiology and echocardiography
- Cerebrovascular heart diseases
- Diseases associated with cardiovascular diseases
- Heart diseases in different rationale
Medicine Development and Safety Testing
- Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics
- Ethical and legal issues
- Drug screening and discovery
- Drug-drug interactions
- Pharmacovigilance